
Gujarati Scambio di lingua‎

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  3. 🇮🇳 Gujarati


Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati
Lingua da praticare :  Russo
Hello, My name is K. I'm 19 years old and I live in in India. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Russian. I'd be happy to help you to learn English and Gujarati in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese
Hello, My name is pinku. I'm 22 years old and I live in Winnipeg, in Canada. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn Gujarati in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Mandarino), Inglese
I'm in final year of master. My mother tongue is gujrati. Hindi and english is my second language. I love languages and interested in Learning more about different cultures & background. There's no end to what you can learn in this life. So I want to make best out it. I like reading, R&B music, drawing ( occasionally because the university is very time consuming). Currently learning kalimba which is thumb piano( at very beigginer level). Im currently learning Chinese. In Korean I'm stuck at beginner level. I know English but my pronunciation is not very good. So I want to improve that as well. If anyone share same interest as me feel free to message me. Hope you have a good day:) My Skype ID: live:.cid.afcb1c88aac586d7
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Russo
I am from Australia. Fluent in English. Was in Moscow for few days. Would be happy to help in improving your English.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese, Filippino (Tagalog)
はじめまして! シャバナと申します。45歳のインド人の女性です。 2011年から日本語を勉強しています。 2015年にJLPT試験 のN2レベル合格しました。 現在、通訳と翻訳の仕事をしています。 日本のことをもっと おしえてほしいです。 語学交換に興味がありましたら是非ご連絡をください。 よろしくお願いします。 シャバナ Hi I am Shabana from Mumbai (India). I am learning Japanese since year 2011. I have completed JLPT N2 level and now studying N1 level as self study. I am working as a Japanese Translator and interpreter. I would like to learn more about Japan. Please feel free to contact for Language exchange Thank you in advance Shabana
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
My name is sahil iam a student and my native language hindi i want to learn English
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Hello! We are Chicago-based healthtech startup solving critical language barriers in healthcare by building technology to allow non-English speaking patients to directly communicate with their doctors and care team and bring every patient's voice to life. We are seeking native or fluent speakers to test our technology in order to ensure we are accurately representing the richness of languages and cultures. Language, culture and inclusivity is the very essence of who we are as a company and as individuals - we love sharing our cultural background, practicing languages and working towards this very impactful mission to change the unequal way healthcare is approached for vulnerable, non-English speaking patients. We look forward to meeting different people and learning about your culture and langauges!
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Gujarati
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Gujarati
I m learning english
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Coreano, Giapponese
Hello, My name is Scarlett. I'm 22 years old and I live in in India. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean and Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn English, Gujarati and Hindi in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Spagnolo
Hello, My name is Devanshi. I'm 29 years old and I live in in India. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish. I'd be happy to help you to learn Gujarati and Hindi in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Polacco
Hi, I am Adhik and my profession is IT Specialist. I am here for making new friends and exchanging language 😊
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Coreano
Hello, My name is Jiya. I'm 20 years old and I live in in India. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Korean. I'd be happy to help you to learn Gujarati and Hindi in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Francese, Portoghese, Hindi
Hi! My name is Vir! I will be glad to help you with English. I like to travel international, learn about global culture and people, play sports like soccer/football and volleyball, watch movies both Indian and American, listen to music, learn about psychology, economics, philosophy, and culture, read books! My favorite authors are Fyodor Dostoevsky, Haruki Murakami. I was born in Canada, went to school in India for 2 years and now lives in America. I want to learn more about our world, the culture, and make new friends along the way! I am an ENTP 7w8 and I am a follower of Jesus Christ our Savior!!
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Arabo
Hi, My name is Ayushi. I've recently moved to Dubai for a course, Luxury Brand Management. I'm looking for some opportunities here to start a life here, for which I want to upgrade my language set. I want to learn Arabic and I'm fluent in Hindi. Happy to chat and talk with people in English and Hindi for their conversational upgrade. Thanks
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Hindi, Telugu
I am an accounting professional & I speak hindi, telugu & English but I want to improve my marathi & gujarati language. In exchange I can teach hindi, telugu & english
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Mandarino)
Hi! I am Mansi, currently a software engineering student and intern. I am fluent in English, Hindi and Gujarati, and will be happy to help you with any of these. Am looking for a buddy to practice Mandarin with. I love reading novels in my free time. I read an English translation of a Chinese novel, which is what got me interested in learning more about this language and culture.
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
I can help you you learn Hindi or Gujarati, I am an average English speaker. I would like to improve my fluency.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Russo, Tedesco
Hey there! I am a fitness enthusiast who loves to stay active and healthy. I enjoy working out, hiking, and practicing yoga. I also love trying new fitness trends and healthy recipes. As a penpal, I am looking for someone who shares my passion for fitness and health. Let's motivate each other and share our tips and tricks for staying fit and healthy!
Lingua Madre :  Gujarati, Hindi
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hi my name is taksh. I'm sarching good friend and learning English
Lingua da praticare :  Russo
I am a diamond sales executive. I lived in Ukraine and Russia for most of ky adult life and had to come back due to the war. I speak Russian fluently. I love watching anime and playing Dota.