
Profilo di Vir_pat


Nome Vir
Paese natale CA Canada
Corrente del paese US Stati Uniti
Età 21
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
GU Gujarati
HI Hindi
Lingua da praticare FR Francese
PT Portoghese
HI Hindi


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hi! My name is Vir! I will be glad to help you with English. I like to travel international, learn about global culture and people, play sports like soccer/football and volleyball, watch movies both Indian and American, listen to music, learn about psychology, economics, philosophy, and culture, read books! My favorite authors are Fyodor Dostoevsky, Haruki Murakami.

I was born in Canada, went to school in India for 2 years and now lives in America. I want to learn more about our world, the culture, and make new friends along the way!

I am an ENTP 7w8 and I am a follower of Jesus Christ our Savior!!

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Nome Vir
Corrente del paese US Stati Uniti
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