
Profilo di Theeccentriclad


Nome Muntaseer Chowdhury
Città Dacca
Paese natale BD Bangladesh
Corrente del paese BD Bangladesh
Età 31
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre BN Bengali
Lingua da praticare RU Russo
EN Inglese



Hey there, I'm Muntaseer from Bangladesh. I'm a rising rapper, singer, lyricist, music producer, digital marketer and an English tutor. But of course I'm not here to tutor someone. Since it's a language exchange site. I'm willing to help you with your English if in exchange you help me learn Russian. I'm fluent in English. At least that's what I've been told. So if I'm the person you're looking for, don't hesitate to write me.

Nuovo messaggio

Nome Muntaseer Chowdhury
Città Dacca
Corrente del paese BD Bangladesh
Lingua Madre BN Bengali
Lingua da praticare RU Russo
EN Inglese
Nuovo messaggio
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!