
Profilo di Szarlotte


Nome Karolina
Città Wroclaw
Paese natale PL Polonia
Corrente del paese PL Polonia
Età 26
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre PL Polacco
Lingua da praticare IT Italiano
EN Inglese



Hello there!
My name is Karolina and I'm from Poland.
I am a student, I study biomedical engieneering and I have to say, that it's hard but interesting field. I also work as a dance instructor. I'm ballroom and latin dancer and it's real passion for me. I work with adults and with the youngest children so there is no way to be bored :p.
I like read books - fantasy, non-fiction. I also read manga sometimes and I really like Death Note and Pandora Hearts. Sometimes I try writing. There are some stories in my mind wchih I want to write but often I dont finish them, unfortunately.


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Nome Karolina
Città Wroclaw
Corrente del paese PL Polonia
Lingua Madre PL Polacco
Lingua da praticare IT Italiano
EN Inglese
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