
Profilo di Swishh0ops


Nome Иван
Città Mosca
Paese natale RU Russia
Corrente del paese RU Russia
Età 19
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre RU Russo
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese
NL Olandese / Fiammingo
SV Svedese
ES Spagnolo


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hey everybody!
My name is Ivan, I’m 16 and I’m from Russia. I’ve been studying different languages since I was 3, so I speak English pretty fluently. I’ve recently received my C1 certificate, so I’m studying for C2 now.
Now I’m learning Swedish, Dutch, Spanish and French.
I’m a huge sports fan. I’ve liked basketball for many years, it’s been my passion since I was 11. I’m a very big Nets fan)
I like traveling too. I’ve been in many places now, but I’ve yet to visit the USA.
Apart from that, I really enjoy science: chemistry and biology especially. I want to be a doctor, that’s why medicine is very important to me)

I hope to make some friends here, so, if you are interested in talking to me, don’t be shy, let’s start chatting)

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Nome Иван
Città Mosca
Corrente del paese RU Russia
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