
Profilo di Sevilush


Nome Sevila
Paese natale IL Israele
Corrente del paese IL Israele
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
ES Spagnolo
HE Ebraico
Lingua da praticare KO Coreano


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hey I'm Sevila!
I just want to learn korean, I’ve been in korea in 2017 and i like to comeback someday.✈️
forming a sentence in korean is still hard for me so if u can help i would Appreciate it.☺️

Don't worry I'm not interested in Korean people as a fantasy thinking it's a drama I just genuinely like the culture, food, music and vibe!

i can help u improve your english/hebrew.🤓

Send me a message first because I’m not good at starting conversations 😅

Nuovo messaggio

Nome Sevila
Corrente del paese IL Israele
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
ES Spagnolo
HE Ebraico
Lingua da praticare KO Coreano
Nuovo messaggio
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!