
Profilo di Sega70


Nome Sergei
Città Zelenogorsk
Paese natale RU Russia
Corrente del paese RU Russia
Età 53
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre RU Russo
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese



Hello, my name's Sergey. I live in Russian in Krasnoyarsky kray. I work as an electrical engineer. My hobby is language learning. When I don't work I like spending time with my family, travelling and playing chess. I like English music and films and I want to understand native English speakers. I would be glad to be useful in Russian language practice.
I am against the war that owner of the kremlin have begun. I wish, I hope that the Ukraines menage this situation. I am ashamed that we couldn't handle the dictator ourself.

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Nome Sergei
Città Zelenogorsk
Corrente del paese RU Russia
Lingua Madre RU Russo
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese
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