
Profilo di Rosesandpearls


Nome Jana
Città Anversa
Paese natale BE Belgio
Corrente del paese BE Belgio
Età 24
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
NL Olandese / Fiammingo
Lingua da praticare IT Italiano
JA Giapponese
SV Svedese
FR Francese
ZH Cinese (Mandarino)



Hi! Nice to meet you!
I'm a 23 year old student studying in Antwerp, Belgium! I speak fluent English and I'm native Dutch speaking. I would love to meet up with others and learn how to speak French/Chinese/Japanese/Italian/Swedish :)

My interests are fashion, pop culture, anime, TV shows (Vikings, Game of Thrones, Peaky blinders, etc.), music but I can also talk about other things. I love meeting people and hanging out, doesn't matter whether it is while drinking coffee, working out, going to parties, shopping, etc. I'm a really flexible person!

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