
Profilo di Outage


Nome Gleb
Paese natale RU Russia
Corrente del paese CY Cipro
Età 24
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
RU Russo
Lingua da praticare JA Giapponese
EL Greco moderno


Telegram XXXXXXX


Hi! I'm a fourth-year university student studying economics. I was born in Russia, but now I'm living in Cyprus.

I'm a native speaker of Russian and also very comfortable with English. I'm interested in improving my Japanese and Greek and eventually want to become fluent in them. If anyone just wants to practice their Russian with me, that's fine too!

I usually play video games in my free time or just generally browse the Internet, but I also enjoy listening to music and reading. I have also recently become very interested in linguistics and geography. I am looking forward to learning more about other countries and cultures. While I'm generally an indoor person, I enjoy doing a bit of everything!

Feel free to message me!

Nuovo messaggio

Nome Gleb
Corrente del paese CY Cipro
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
RU Russo
Lingua da praticare JA Giapponese
EL Greco moderno
Nuovo messaggio
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