
Profilo di Lulujay


Nome Lucinda
Paese natale GB Regno Unito
Corrente del paese FR Francia
Età 53
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
Lingua da praticare RU Russo



I'm an English teacher working with Skype. I would like to practise Russian. I don't have a cyrillic keyboard so we'd be doing speaking practise to start off with. My Russian is pretty limited so I haven' had much success with language exchanges so far. So if someone has experience with beginners or a teaching qualification then your the person for me!

I love music and literature. I sing very well and play the guitar mediocrely.

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Nome Lucinda
Corrente del paese FR Francia
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
Lingua da praticare RU Russo
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!