
Profilo di Khabibul35


Nome Slava
Città Kiev
Paese natale US Stati Uniti
Corrente del paese UA Ucraina
Età 41
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
RU Russo
Lingua da praticare UK Ucraino
PT Portoghese
ES Spagnolo



Before I changed careers, I was an English teacher in the United States for 5 years, so I would be glad to both speak casually or speak to learners who want feedback and ideas on what to do to further improve.

As to what I want to learn, my biggest interest right now is Portuguese as I've been learning it through music and books but have no speaking practice.

In general, I travel a lot, love to dance and began picking up Spanish from salsa music and began speaking it after travels to Cuba and South America. I've been learning Portuguese by listening to semba and kizomba, but I think I am ready for some very basic conversation if someone is willing to practice.

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Nome Slava
Città Kiev
Corrente del paese UA Ucraina
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