
Profilo di Karadzic


Nome mila
Città Belgrado
Paese natale RS Serbia
Corrente del paese RS Serbia
Età 14
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
SR Serbo
Lingua da praticare ZH Cinese (Mandarino)
KO Coreano
DE Tedesco



Hi, my name is Mila and I have a great interest in studying and practicing languages. My native language is Serbian but i would say that i can also speak English quite well. I am currently studying Korean and Mandarin Chinese by myself and German at school, if you are confident in your knowledge in any of these languages please reach out. I would also like to put a disclaimer that i am 14.

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Nome mila
Città Belgrado
Corrente del paese RS Serbia
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!