
Profilo di Emrose89


Nome Emme
Città New York
Paese natale US Stati Uniti
Corrente del paese US Stati Uniti
Età 28
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
Lingua da praticare ES Spagnolo
FR Francese
HT Creolo haitiano / Haitiano
IT Italiano
PT Portoghese
RU Russo
DE Tedesco


Telegram XXXXXXX


Hi!! Ciao! Holaa!

I'm Emme, I love languages and I had great experiences with language exchange in the past. I would love to restart the sharing and learning experience. I hope you enjoy talking about the weather and food :)

I enjoy reading and learning new things.
Life is a circle, I hope to see something new each time-- meaning it's easy for me to talk about anything, obviously I love phrases and metaphors (which are essential in understanding culture in the language).

I lived in many different places around the world and I love to travel.

I am looking forward to learning something new from you :)

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