
Profilo di Curtis9h6


Nome Curtis
Città Manchester
Paese natale GB Regno Unito
Corrente del paese GB Regno Unito
Età 27
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
FR Francese
Lingua da praticare NO Norvegese



Hello, I'm looking for a language exchange partner to help me learn Norwegian. I have only just started to learn this language but I am working hard to learn more and more everyday.

In exchange I can help you with your English learning. I understand that many Norwegians already speak English very well, so for them I can teach them French as I also speak French fluently.

I am 23 years old from Manchester UK. My hobbies are films, reading, languages, hiking, martial arts, and music.

Feel free to message me if you are interested in an exchange. Thank you!

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Nome Curtis
Città Manchester
Corrente del paese GB Regno Unito
Lingua Madre EN Inglese
FR Francese
Lingua da praticare NO Norvegese
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Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!