
Profilo di Blueba


Nome bibong park
Città Toronto
Paese natale KR Corea del Sud
Corrente del paese CA Canada
Sesso Uomo
Lingua Madre KO Coreano
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese


Instagram XXXXXXX


Hello, my name is Bibong Park, and I am a native Korean speaker. I work as a software engineer. Currently, I am residing in Toronto, and my plan is to stay here until mid-October.

Writing and reading are among my favorite activities. I particularly enjoy writing about travel, the environment, and technology. Currently, I am collaborating with some friends to develop an animal rights magazine.

I want to learn English and I can help you learn Korean through Zoom (or Skype, etc.) video meetings.

Nuovo messaggio

Nome bibong park
Città Toronto
Corrente del paese CA Canada
Lingua Madre KO Coreano
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese
Nuovo messaggio
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