
Profilo di Becks154


Nome Rebecca
Città Stoccarda
Paese natale DE Germania
Corrente del paese DE Germania
Età 29
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre DE Tedesco
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese
ES Spagnolo



Hi my name is Rebecca,
I am a student and pretty much fluent in English since I've been to the States for a year. I love to travel to learn more about other cultures and I enjoy meeting new people. I also like photography especially landscapes, as well as reading and cooking. I started to learn Spanish two years ago but I stopped learning when I went abroad so I would really appreciate some help with my Spanish skills. I can offer German as my native language and English at a C1 level in exchange. I'd love to hear from you :)

Nuovo messaggio

Nome Rebecca
Città Stoccarda
Corrente del paese DE Germania
Lingua Madre DE Tedesco
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese
ES Spagnolo
Nuovo messaggio
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!