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Nome Erika Ksamastu
Città Chiba
Paese natale JP Giappone
Corrente del paese JP Giappone
Età 25
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre JA Giapponese
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese



Hi I’m Erika Kasamatsu. I’m 22 years old.I’d like to talk with you about movies. Please let me know your favorite movie 🎥 My favorite ones is “SUMMER TIME ” and “BAGDAD CAFE ”.
I’m also interested in your upbringing and occupation. Actually, I have worries. That’s why I want to see various people's lifestyles and use them as reference.So Please talk to me if you like.
I want to improve my English. I live in Chiba, Japan , so I can teaoch you Japanese.

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Nome Erika Ksamastu
Città Chiba
Corrente del paese JP Giappone
Lingua Madre JA Giapponese
Lingua da praticare EN Inglese
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