
Profilo di Jennxu


Nome MIchelle
Città Yangon
Paese natale MM Birmania
Corrente del paese MM Birmania
Età 29
Sesso Donna
Lingua Madre MY Burmese
ZH Cinese (Mandarino)
Lingua da praticare DE Tedesco



Hi there, I am Michelle. I work at a bank. I am fluent in English, Chinese and my native tongue Burmese. I would like to learn German, and teach you in exchange of the 3 languages that I know. My hobbies are planting and yoga. With this pandemic and all, I am free one week in rotation as our bank has allowed us to Work From Home each week. So hit me up, if you want more time practicing your preferred language with me.

Nuovo messaggio

Nome MIchelle
Città Yangon
Corrente del paese MM Birmania
Lingua Madre MY Burmese
ZH Cinese (Mandarino)
Lingua da praticare DE Tedesco
Nuovo messaggio
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!