
Germania Scambio di lingua‎

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  3. 🇩🇪 Germania


Lingua Madre :  Tedesco
Lingua da praticare :  Francese
I am studying French just for fun, once a week with a friend in France. It would me a pleasure to help you learning German. Ich lerne Französisch nur zum Spaß, einmal pro Woche mit einem Freund in Frankreich. Es wäre mir eine Freude, Ihnen beim Deutschlernen zu helfen. J'étudie le francais juste pour le plaisir une fois par semaine avec un ami en France. J'étais heureux de vous aider à apprendre l'allemand. Google translation: J'apprends le français juste pour m'amuser, une fois par semaine avec un ami en France. Ce serait un plaisir de vous aider à apprendre l'allemand.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Tamil
Lingua da praticare :  Tedesco
Hello! I'm looking for a conversation/learning partner in German(Viersen) . If you are interested in improving your conversation skills and learning something new we could help each other. Language exchange is an option too. I can offer English or Tamil in this case.
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Francese, Romeno, Russo, Finlandese
Hello! I am Conrad from Germany. I am currently a medical student and live in Halle/Germany. I am mostly interested in Finnish at this time. My level is around A2-B1 and I would like to improve on my written and oral proficiency. Ideally, we would set up regular meetins on Skype and practice both languages equally.
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco, Norvegese Bokmål
Lingua da praticare :  Portoghese
Quieria de aprender a falar português. A um só tempo ensinar alemão.
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese, Inglese
have tried several times to improve my Japanese. Now I would like to try face-to-face. I Enjoy Japanese culture and food, cross-cultural psychology and having fun
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Hindi, Punjabi
Lingua da praticare :  Arabo
Hello, My name is Kajal and I live in Munich, in Germany. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Arabic. I'd be happy to help you to learn English, Hindi and Panjabi in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Russo
Hi, this is Thomas. I'm interested in languages, people, travelling, cultures... I'm a lecturer. Best wishes Thomas
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Taiwanese)
Hallo, ich heiße Linda und komme aus Deutschland. Ich bin auf der Suche nach Freunden aus Taiwan, mit denen ich Chinesisch lernen kann. Ich habe vor einigen Jahren bereits für 6 Monate in Taipeh gelebt und studiert. Meine Hobbies sind reisen, Ukulele spielen, Yoga und ich probiere gerne neue Rezepte beim Kochen aus. Ich ernähre mich seit einigen Jahren rein pflanzlich und vermisse das Essen in Taiwan sehr! Ich freue mich sehr, euch kennenzulernen und ich helfe gerne beim Deutschlernen weiter. 你好,我叫Linda,我住在德国 ,想练习中文。我已经在台湾生活了,我非常喜欢台湾、这里的人、这里的文化和繁体字。我的爱好是阅读、瑜伽和弹钢琴。如果你想学德语,我们可以一起练习。 Schreibt mir gerne hier oder auf IG (lin.xiaa)
Lingua Madre :  Arabo
Lingua da praticare :  Francese, Tedesco
Hello, My name is Jo and I live in in Germany. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French and German. I'd be happy to help you to learn Arabic in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese
Hi I‘m Michael I was born and raised in Germany from my turkish father and my russian mother. I would say I understand about 50-70% about russian and about 10% of turkish because I forgot it all. But now I really want to learn japanese because I love the culture and I think that the language sounds very nice. So if you could help me to learn japanese I would be very happy and would gladly help you to learn german