
Atsugi Scambio di lingua‎

  1. Scambio di lingua‎
  2. > Città >
  3. 🇯🇵 Atsugi


Lingua Madre :  Giapponese
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hello, I’m Kaho. I’d been in Michigan in America for 3 years and now I’m in Atsugi Japan. I’ve been studying English in Japan as well and so have my kids who are 9, 7 and 4 yo. If you and/or your kids would like to study Japanese or, need help such as school homework or paperwork’s, my kids and I are glad to help you. Of course we’re happy if we can exchange our languages each other! Only adult is fine as well. Let’s our language boost up together! こんにちわ かほです。アメリカに3年すんでいました。いまはかながわのあつぎにすんでいます。子供が3人いて、子供もわたしも英語をべんきょうしています。もし日本のがっこうのしゅくだいや、わからないことがあれば、こどもはとても英語がうまいので、おてつだいできます。にほんごとえいごのべんきょうでももちろんOKです。子供も、おとなだけでもどちらでもOKです。よろしくおねがいします。
Lingua Madre :  Giapponese
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hello, My name is Yoshiko and I live in Atsugi, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Japanese in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Francese, Russo
Lingua da praticare :  Francese, Giapponese
Hello, My name is Pavel and I live in Atsugi, in Japan. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French and Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn English, French and Russian in exchange.