
Praga Scambio di lingua‎

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  3. 🇨🇿 Praga


Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Spagnolo, Francese, Inglese
Hello, My name is Věra and I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish, French and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Czech in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Spagnolo
Hello, My name is Jana and I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Spanish. I'd be happy to help you to learn Czech in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Spagnolo
Hello, My name is Tereza and I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English and Spanish. I'd be happy to help you to learn Czech in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hello, My name is Eva and I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Czech in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco, Polacco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hello, I wanna practice my English on daily basic ... to be in touch with someone who speaks English well :) to make my language skills better, ... wanna talk about our life and happiness 😊
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Russo
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Mandarino)
Greetings I am an 18-year-old native Russian speaker, aiming to learn Chinese Mandarin (which I just started learning a month ago). I am a highly proficient English speaker as I have studied the language for over 15 years. I offer tuition and assistance in Russian and English in exchange for Mandarin. My Current Hobbies are: Programming, Electrical Engineering, languages, cooking, and rock climbing. ( I adore making new friends and learning about different cultures all over the globe, so please don't hesitate to ask me for any assistance). I bid you my farewell and my sincerest gratitude.
Lingua Madre :  Russo
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Ceco
Hi! I'm Sofia, live and stydy in Prague and want to improve my czech level :)
Lingua Madre :  Coreano
Lingua da praticare :  Tedesco, Spagnolo, Francese, Inglese
After a master's program in mechanical engineering, I am walking toward mathematics. I am studying math in a Ph.D. program in the Czech Republic. After that, I may stay in Europe, so I want to learn European languages. Please contact me. I am Korean. To learn other languages from the beginning, the most important factor is the education of language partners. Some people seek partners in consideration of age, gender and so on, but it is pointless.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco, Inglese
Lingua da praticare :  Ceco
I love technology, problem solving, constant learning and building things. That’s why I am very grateful to be leading a team building software which lies at the intersection of all the things I love doing❤️ Other than my job, I enjoy taking care of my body and my mind by experimenting and improving every aspect of my life. I am passionate about mental health and wellbeing above all. I am deeply interested in psychology, traumas and healing✨ What about you.. what are your learning goals and what are your hobbies and interests? 😁
Lingua Madre :  Russo, Ucraino
Lingua da praticare :  Italiano
Меня зовут Ирина, мечтаю выучить итальянский язык. Хобби:вышивка, украшения из биссера, сад, огород, пешие прогулки по красивым местам, путешествия. Языки:украинский, русский, немецкий начальный уровень..
Hello, im from Norway, i live in Prague. Iam looking for language exchange to study Chinese and also for friends. We can talk about mostly everything. I like sports, anime, music, traveling and sport statistics. I can also help with English, Czech, Norsk or Italian language.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco, Slovacco
Lingua da praticare :  Coreano, Spagnolo, Inglese
Hello, I would love to learn British accent! If it is even possible. Please help 🙏 I would like to learn Spanish as fast as possible. I just started to learn couple days ago 🙈 I am into movies, photography, joga, pole dance, travelling. It would be great to find here some great language exchange partners and become friends!🥳
Lingua Madre :  Ceco, Inglese
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Mandarino)
Hello, I am an educator who is currently studying Sinology in Prague. Looking for somebody to practice Chinese with :) in exchange I can help you with Czech or English (I lived in Canada for 2 years and also in the US for 4.5 years)
Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese, Inglese
Hello, My name is Petr and I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Czech in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Francese
Lingua da praticare :  Ceco, Russo, Inglese
Hi everyone :) I'm a french guy living in Prague and who's always happy to share few words in english, in my terrible czech and russian))) I also like to feel useful and help with my native langage :) So don't hesitate :) Otherwise i love traveling, coffees (i'm a cappucino guy), human experiences, history, music, sports and self development :)
Lingua Madre :  Inglese
Lingua da praticare :  Ceco
Hi! I am an English proofreader and have been living in Prague for the past 2 years. During my free time, I like to run, bake, practice yoga, travel, and watch Netflix. I’m always up for an adventure and love to learn new things! Regarding my language journey, I’ve been studying Czech 🇨🇿 on my own and think I could make some real progress if I had a friend to help me. My native language is English 🇺🇸 and I can help you learn it if you can help me with my Czech 😄
Lingua Madre :  Russo, Ucraino
Lingua da praticare :  Ceco, Inglese, Romeno
Hello, My name is Julia. I live in Prag, in Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Romanian, Czech and English languages. I'd be happy to help you to learn Russian and Ukrainian in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco, Slovacco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hello, I am Lucy and I am looking for someone who will make practice speaking in English with me (my level A2-B1).
Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese
Hello, My name is Jittka and I live in Prague, in the Czech Republic. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese. I'd be happy to help you to learn Czech in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Ceco
Lingua da praticare :  Russo
Добрый день! я коренный чех, живу в Праге и изучаю русский язык. Ищу языковый обмен ищу русский и предлагаю чешский. В прошлом я уже учил несколько человек чешскому. Я интересуюсь историей и Санкт Петербургом.