
Latino Scambio di lingua‎

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  3. 🇻🇦 Latino


Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Francese, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Spagnolo, Cinese (Altro), Inglese, Italiano
Échange culturellement comme linguistiquement avec gens s'intéressant aux technologies avancées de préférence et échanges à travers l'application des photos culturelles. N'enseignes qu'avec mon e.mail à des jeunes personnes. Exchange culturally and linguistically with people interested in advanced technologies preferably and exchange through the Application of Cultural Photos Only teach with my e-mail to young people. 最好与对先进技术感兴趣的人进行文化和语言交流 文化图片应用交流 只用我的电子邮件教有智力的年轻女性。
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, I'm Shéraze, a 19 years old girl I want to learn many Asian languages because I love the culture 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 My hobby is boxing, mangas, animes, listen to music and draw! I can help you with French, German, Latin, and English! 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 I don't bite so if you want to talk to me, don't have fear! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 안녕하세요 저는 19살 여학생 Shéraze라고 해요. 저는 아시아 문화가 좋아서 아시아권 언어를 배우고 싶어요. 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 권투, 만화, 애니, 음악, 그림 같은게 제 취미에요. 저는 프랑스어, 영어, 독일어, 라틴어를 할 수 있고, 카톡, 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 거리낌없이 연락 주시면 감사해요. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- こんにちは、 私はShérazeです、19歳の女の子 私は文化が大好きなので、私は多くのアジアの言語を学びたいです 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 私の趣味はボクシング、マンガ、アニメ、音楽を聴くこと、そして描くことです! 私はフランス語、ドイツ語、ラテン語、そして英語であなたを助けることができます! 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 私は噛まないでくださいあなたが私に話したいのなら、恐れてはいけません! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你好, 我是Shéraze,一个19岁的女孩 我想学习很多亚洲语言,因为我喜欢这种文化 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 我的爱好是拳击,漫画,动漫,听音乐和画画! 我可以在法语,德语,拉丁语和英语方面帮助你!🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 我不咬人,所以如果你想跟我聊天,不要害怕! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xin chào, Tôi là Shéraze, Một cô gái 19 tuổi Tôi muốn học nhiều ngôn ngữ châu Á vì tôi yêu văn hóa 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 Sở thích của tôi là đấm bốc, truyện tranh, animes, nghe nhạc và vẽ! Tôi có thể giúp bạn với tiếng Pháp, tiếng Đức, tiếng Latin và tiếng Anh! 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 Tôi không cắn nên nếu bạn muốn nói chuyện với tôi, đừng sợ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour, Je m'appelle Shéraze, je suis une fille de 19 ans Je veux apprendre plusieurs langues asiatiques car j'aime cette culture 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 Mes passes temps sont la boxe, les mangas, les animés, écouter de la musique et dessiner ! Je peux t'aider en français, allemand, latin et anglais ! 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 Je ne mords pas donc si tu veux me parler, n'aie pas peur ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hallo, Ich heiße Shéraze, ich bin ein 19-jähriges Mädchen Ich möchte mehrere asiatische Sprachen lernen,weil ich diese Kultur liebe 🇨🇳🇯🇵🇰🇷🇻🇳 Meine Hobbys sind Boxen, Manga, Anime, Musik hören und Zeichnen! Ich kann Ihnen auf Französisch, Deutsch, Latein und Englisch helfen! 🇩🇪🇬🇧🇫🇷 Ich beiße also nicht, wenn du mit mir reden willst, habe keine Angst! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Latino
My name is Migdalia I am hispanic and a preschool teacher assistance at the present time and I also work with youths for help with after school program in assisting with there school work . I also Graduated 2018 as CNA/HHA nurse and now at this present time 2020 I am studying to be back into the health care career for Medical coder/billing. My languages are Spanish and English i would like to learn Portuguese and French . I am a Sunday school teacher in my Church and my hobbies is Art/music/nature walks/ travel and serving/helping and encouraging others is my passion. In exchange I can teach spanish and English.
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Finlandese
Hi, I live in the USA, native English speaker, and would love to do a language exchange to practice Finnish -- mainly for fun, but also perhaps for travel. I teach Latin and math to students ages 12-18, and am interested in languages, dogs (have 2 schnauzers), exploring nature (hiking), and love anything related to water (swimming, boating, etc.). Thank you!
Lingua Madre :  Latino, Cinese (Mandarino)
Lingua da praticare :  Ceco, Francese, Russo, Polacco
Я несколько месяцев назад стал изучать великий русский язык, вызван преимущественно желанием читать произведения литературы на русском, однако я сам бездарен, чтобы самостоятельно достичь определение мною цели, потому я в поиске человека, готового мне оказывать помощь для изучения русского языка и заинтересованного в китайском языке, который я знаю совершенно. Благодарю.
Lingua Madre :  Spagnolo, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hola me llamo kat me encantaría poder aprender mas sobre el idioma inglés ya que mi lengua es el español
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Ebraico
I'm a high school teacher who likes to knit and cook and rock climb. My adult son and I are looking for finally learn Hebrew. I speak fluent English and Latin and am excited to learn with someone!
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hi, My name is Leo My native language is spanish I'm for someone teaches me english does not matter the person I would teach you spanish if you want
Lingua Madre :  Italiano, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hello, My name is andrea and I live in Venice, in Italy. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Italian and Latin in exchange.
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese, Vietnamita
This is mannabb alt account
Lingua Madre :  Inglese, Spagnolo, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Giapponese, Cinese (Mandarino)
Hello, My name is Roberto and I live in Boston, in the USA. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin). I'd be happy to help you to learn English, Spanish and Latin in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Latino, Russo
Lingua da praticare :  Francese, Inglese
Hello, My name is Maria and I live in in Russia. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French and English. I'd be happy to help you to learn Latin and Russian in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
Hola Soy Diana Soy Dominicana pero estoy viviendo en USA. Estoy interesada en conocer todo tipo de culturas , nuevas personas . Solo hablo Español pero estoy aprendiendo hablar ingles en un programa en la Universidad que estoy y luego voy a empezar la Universidad y pienso estudiar Radiología En mi tiempo libre me gusta salir a correr , escuchar música, ver películas y comer mucho😅. Hello I am Diana I am Dominican but I am living in the USA. I am interested in knowing all kinds of cultures, new people. I only speak Spanish but I am learning to speak English in a program at the University that I am and then I am going to start the University and I plan to study Radiology   In my spare time I like to run, listen to music, watch movies and eat a lot Thanks Fighting
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco, Inglese, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Coreano
Hello, i'm Selina and I'm 16 years old. I really love other languages and cultures so i try to learn now korean. I like taking pictures, making music, dancing and playing basketball. I also read a lot and I'm writing my own book at the moment. I speak english and german as my mother tongues and in school I'm learning latin. Now i want to learn korean and later maybe japanese. Don't be afraid of messaging me, I'm happy about every message!!
Lingua Madre :  Latino, Polacco, Polacco
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese
I am a student, I like to listen to music to dance, watch movies
Lingua da praticare :  Francese
Hello, My name is Ibrahim and I live in in Mexico. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study French. I'd be happy to help you to learn Arabic, Spanish, Latin and Portuguese in exchange.
Lingua Madre :  Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Francese, Italiano, Inglese
mi nombre es Luis. tengo 27 años de edad y soy de colombia. quisiera conseguir un compañero (a) que me pueda brindar algo de su conocimiento para aprender ingles frances o italiano gracias espero ayudarte mucho con el español.....!!!
Lingua Madre :  Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Inglese, Tedesco
to define is to limit
Lingua Madre :  Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Mandarino), Giapponese
Hola me gustaría aprender hablar los idiomas y hacer amigos de amistad
Lingua Madre :  Tedesco, Latino
Lingua da praticare :  Cinese (Mandarino), Lao
Hello, My name is Thomas and I live in Auckland, in New Zealand. I am looking for a language exchange partner to study Chinese (Mandarin) and Lao. I'd be happy to help you to learn German and Latin in exchange.